회사 소개

플로리다 아시아계 미국인 레스토랑 연합
는 플로리다 주에 등록된 비영리 법인입니다. 전문적인 리더십을 양성하고 외식업 비즈니스에 외식 산업 발전에 필요한 리소스와 지침을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 또한, FLAARA는
플로리다 아시안 아메리칸 비즈니스 PC
를 설립하여 플로리다 주에 등록된 정치 위원회를 운영하고 있습니다. 플로리다의 아시아계 미국인 사업주들의 이익과 우려를 대변하는 옹호 단체로, 회원들에게 혜택을 주고 특정 문제를 해결하는 정책과 규정을 옹호합니다.

플라라에서는 다음과 같은 서비스를 제공합니다.
정보, 옹호, 워크샵,
레스토랑 전문가에게 정보, 옹호, 워크숍 및 기타 기회를 제공합니다. 또한 플로리다에서 긍정적인 리더십과 건전한 비즈니스 관행을 갖춘 아시아계 미국인 비즈니스 소유자를 지원합니다.

우리의 목적

정책 옹호:
세제 혜택, 노동법, 식품 안전 규정 등 플로리다의 요식업계를 포함한 아시아계 미국인 비즈니스를 지원하는 유리한 법안과 규정을 옹호합니다.

정부 관계:
정책 결정 과정에서 업계의 목소리가 반영될 수 있도록 국회의원 및 정부 관계자들과 관계를 구축합니다.

경제적 지원:
코로나19 팬데믹과 같은 위기 상황이나 경제 침체기에 재정 지원 또는 구호 프로그램을 옹호합니다.

트레이닝 및 교육:
레스토랑 오너와 직원에게 리소스와 교육을 제공하여 비즈니스 관행을 개선하고 업계 전반의 평판을 높일 수 있도록 지원합니다.

일반 대중에게 요식업에 대한 긍정적인 인식을 심어주고 오해나 부정적인 고정관념을 해소합니다.

네트워킹 및 협업:
레스토랑 소유주, 공급업체 및 기타 업계 이해관계자 간의 연결을 촉진하여 협업과 지식 공유를 촉진합니다.

지속 가능성 이니셔티브:
레스토랑 업계에서 환경 친화적인 관행을 장려하고 지원합니다.


September First to September Fourth

The Florida Asian American Restaurant Alliance has been working with National ACE to promote The AAPISTRONG Restaurant GRANT $15000. The grant is designed to benefit Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander-owned restaurants across the country. With the industry facing ongoing economic challenges, the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund is available to help under-resourced restaurants respond to supply chain disruptions, increased inventory costs, workforce development, and safety for their employees.

The funding will allow AAPI restaurateurs to take their business to the next level through development ideas such as infrastructure improvements, e-commerce and technology, employee benefits, and operations streamlining. Ultimately, this will help AAPI entrepreneurs to scale their businesses, secure their futures, and also give back to the life of their neighborhoods by fostering safe and enjoyable places to gather.

With over $4 million in funding awarded to nearly 270 AAPI businesses over the past 2 years, the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund continues to uplift the hard work and dedication of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander restaurant owners. The AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund is made possible by the Grubhub Community Fund.

August Twenty Second 2023 - 9 AM to 5 PM

The Florida Asian American Restaurant Alliance invites business owners to participate Miami Opportunity Summit for Immigrants. Join South Florida leaders to discuss the current immigration landscape, the needs, rights, and responsibilities of new arrivals and long-term contributors, as well as the opportunities that exist to leverage the influx of talents and skills to continue to grow our communities.


Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Biscayne Bay, 1717 N Bavshore Dr. Miami FL 33132


Confirmed Guest Speakers:

    • Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava
    • MBF Healthcare Founder and CEO Mike Fernandez
    • Related Group Vice Chairman Adolfo Henriques
    • Google Head of Economic Opportunity Hector Mujica
    • Beacon Council President Rodrick Miller
    • President and CEO of the Miami Foundation Rebecca Fishman-Lipsey
    • The Children's Movement of Florida Founder and Board Chair Dave Lawrence
    • Half Moon Empanadas CEO Pilar Guzman

August First 2023 - 5:30pm

Commemorating Immigrants' Contributions to Florida's Economy: A Business and Community Mixer

The Florida Asian American Restaurant Alliance is delighted to announce a significant event, celebrating the immense contributions immigrants make to Florida's economy and the broader community. We are honored to be part of the team and host special guests from the U.S. House of Representatives, Maxwell Alejandro Frost and Darren Soto, along with Buddy Dyer, the Mayor of Orlando.

This event aims to highlight and applaud the impact and roles that immigrants have played in fostering Florida's vibrant economy and enriching our communities through their unique perspectives and diverse experiences.

We are pleased to invite you to join us at this occasion, scheduled to take place at Beardall Senior Center, 800 Delaney Ave #3897, Orlando, FL 32801. The event will commence on August 1st at 5:30 pm.

Join us as we come together to acknowledge and appreciate the integral role of immigrants in shaping the economic and cultural tapestry of Florida.

July Twenty Eighth 2023 - 3pm - 4pm

Florida Asian American Restaurant Alliance invites you to participate in a special Webinar on US immigration law. Don't miss the opportunity for experienced immigration attorneys including Florida Board Certified attorneys to answer your immigration questions.

1. What are the ways for undocumented immigrants to apply for U.S. status?
2. What are the requirements for applying for an immigration waiver?
3. How does an employer apply for status for an undocumented immigrant?
4. How can a U.S. citizen apply for status for an undocumented immigrant relative?
5. Is the C(8) card valid under the new act SB1718?
6. Can an undocumented immigrant work while waiting to go to court?
7. And more….

July Sixth 2023 - 3:00pm-4:00pm

Understanding the impact of SB1718 on Business

We are pleased to announce a workshop titled “Understanding the Impact of SB1718 on Business,” presented by Mr. Santiago, the Florida State Director of the American Business Immigration Coalition and Paul Chavez, the senior immigration attorney of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The workshop is designed to aid business owners in comprehending the implications of legislative changes on their operations. This event provides a unique opportunity to engage directly with experienced attorneys who possess deep knowledge about how these changes may impact your business.

Key topics of discussion include the E-Verify Mandate System, economic impacts, and considerations surrounding undocumented workers. These discussions aim to equip you with the necessary information to navigate the business landscape under the newly introduced SB1718.

June Twenty Eighth 2023 - 3:00pm-4:00pm

Employment and Labor Law Workshop

We are delighted to announce a specialized workshop as part of the Florida Asian American Restaurant Alliance initiative. Our esteemed hosts for the event are Ms. Luo and Mr. Flannigan, both highly experienced attorneys with extensive knowledge of employment law in Florida.

The workshop will delve into critical aspects of employment law that are integral to every business operation. Among the topics to be discussed are:

Appropriate responses for business owners when faced with frivolous complaints from workers.
Measures and rights for workers to safeguard themselves from work-related injuries.
Understanding the rights of undocumented workers within the Florida employment law framework.
Importance and management of employment records.

The session promises to be a wealth of valuable information for both business owners and employees alike, helping to create a safer, fairer, and more harmonious workplace environment

June Twenty Fourth - 11:00am-3:00pm

SB1718 Awareness March: United Against Anti-Immigration Laws

SB1718, an anti-immigration law, has caused widespread concern and unrest among communities affected by its provisions. It is crucial to delve into the specifics of the law and shed light on the negative consequences it imposes on immigrant populations, fostering fear, prejudice, and a climate of injustice.

The march serves a dual purpose of raising awareness about the detrimental effects of SB1718 and educating the wider public about the importance of embracing immigrant communities. Through signs, banners, speeches, and outreach efforts, participants aim to foster empathy, understanding, and solidarity among all individuals.

Start: The Freedom Tower
600 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL, 33132
End: The Torch of Friendship

June First/Third 2023 - 11:30am

Against the Unfair SB1718: A Call for Justice and Equality #HumanLifeMatterFlorida

The governor’s new law, SB1718, has had a significant impact on Florida’s restaurant industry, causing concerns among undocumented workers and creating difficulties in finding an adequate workforce. Recognizing the adverse effects of SB1718 and the hardships faced by undocumented workers, the FCA has decided to organize a march in West Palm Beach. The march serves as a platform to unite different communities and raise awareness about the rights of all workers, regardless of their immigration status.

The FCA encourages individuals from all walks of life to join the march, showing solidarity with the restaurant industry and underscoring the significance of inclusivity and diversity. By uniting various communities, the demonstration aims to send a powerful message to policymakers and decision-makers, urging them to reconsider the impact of SB1718 on workers and the restaurant industry.

West palm beach city hall
401 Clematis St, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

회원 혜택

플로리다 아시안 아메리칸 레스토랑 얼라이언스에 가입해야 하는 이유?

1. 옹호 및 대변:
회원은 얼라이언스가 자신을 대신하여 정책 입안자 및 의사 결정자에게 영향을 미쳐 업계별 우려 사항, 입법 문제 및 규제를 해결하도록 옹호할 것을 기대할 수 있습니다.

2. 입법 업데이트:
요식업 등 플로리다의 아시안 아메리칸 비즈니스에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 관련 법률, 규정 및 정책 변경 사항을 정기적으로 업데이트하여 회원들에게 정보를 제공하고 대비할 수 있도록 합니다.

3. 네트워킹 기회: 회원들이 동료, 공급업체 및 잠재적 비즈니스 파트너와 교류할 수 있는 네트워킹 이벤트, 컨퍼런스 및 업계 모임에 참여할 수 있습니다.

4. 교육 및 훈련:
경영, 마케팅, 식품 안전, 지속가능성 등의 주제를 다루며 회원의 기술, 지식, 비즈니스 관행을 향상시키기 위해 고안된 워크샵, 세미나, 웨비나, 리소스입니다.

5. 독점 할인 및 거래:
공급업체, 서비스 제공업체 및 업계 파트너와 협상한 특별 행사, 할인 및 거래를 통해 비용 절감 기회를 제공합니다.

6. 위기 지원 및 구호:
자연재해나 경기 침체와 같은 어려운 시기에 재난 복구 또는 구호 프로그램을 위한 자원을 포함한 지원.

7. 홍보 및 마케팅 지원:
아시아계 미국인 비즈니스의 이미지와 가시성을 개선하기 위한 홍보 캠페인 또는 홍보 이니셔티브에 참여할 수 있는 기회.

8. 법률 및 규제 지침:
복잡한 규정, 라이선스 및 허가를 이해하고 준수할 수 있도록 지원합니다.


플로리다 아시안 아메리칸 레스토랑 연합 PC는 우리 커뮤니티의 일원이 되어 우리의 사명에 기여하고자 하는 다음 단체와 개인을 따뜻하게 환영합니다.